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Common Health Concerns

Below is a PARTIAL list of POSSIBLE causes for a few common health issues. Often there are roots in more than one category, such as a physical and a spiritual root causing the problem. If the Emotional Behaviors are present, then seriously consider the Emotional and Spiritual Roots as playing significant roles in causing the issue.

DIGESTION DISTURBENCE: Physical Roots: pH imbalance, lack of enzymes, poor elimination, lack of good water, junk food, insufficient Essential Fatty Acids, stress and adrenal weakness, lack of minerals, drugs & antacids, and pancreas issues.  Emotional behaviors: Dread.  Emotional Root: Fear.  Spiritual Roots: Fear, anxiety and stress.

BOWEL ISSUES: Physical Roots: Lack of fiber, lack of good water, lack of whole grains and good raw food, junk food, lack of Essential Fatty Acids, lack of activity, insufficient enzymes, poor breathing, yeast and parasites.  Emotional Behaviors: Apprehensive, reluctant, and hesitant. Emotional Root: Fear.  Spiritual Roots: Fear, anxiety, stress, insecurities, feelings of entrapment.

SLEEP DIFFICULTY: Physical Roots: Electro-magnetic fields, lack of good water, lack of good food, lack of minerals, junk food, salts, poor breathing, pre-sleep activity, lack of Essential Fatty Acids, temperature, sound, poor digestion, elimination, parasites, toxicity, lack of activity, pH imbalance, nervous system, glandular, eating late, stress, anxiety.  Emotional behaviors: Cautious, guarded, and vulnerable.  Emotional Root: Fear.  Spiritual Roots: Fear and anxiety ortorment from victimization.

FATIGUE: Physical Roots: Sugar imbalance, elimination, toxicity, environmental, glandular, junk food, lack of good food, lack of good water, lack of good sleep, lack of activity, lack of Essential Fatty Acids, lack of minerals, parasites, pH imbalance, poor breathing, adrenals, circulation, digestion.  Emotional Behaviors: Inflexible,rigid, and uptight.  Emotional Root: Fear.  Spiritual Roots: Fear, anxiety and stress.

UNDERACTIVE THYROID: Physical Roots: Additives, pH imbalance, glandular imbalance, parasites, table salt, stress, diet, lack of minerals, toxicity, immune issues, elimination, lack of consistent good food, lack of good water, lack of good sleep, adrenals, lack of Essential Fatty Acids.  Emotional Behaviors: Negative and melancholy.  Emotional Root: Sorrow.  Spiritual Root: Anxiety, fear, and/or self-rejection and guilt.

JOINT PAIN: Physical Roots: Injury, pH imbalance, lack of Essential Fatty Acids, digestion, elimination, lack of good water, lack of good food, junk food, lack of minerals, lack of antioxidants, toxicity, poor breathing, lack of activity, urinary system, overweight, blood sugar.  Emotional Behaviors: Critical, discontented, and unsatisfied.  Emotional Root: Anger. Spiritual Root: Self-bitterness and not forgiving one’s self.

WEIGHT:  Physical Roots: Appetite, drugs, eating late, elimination, toxicity, glandular, junk food, lack of good water, lack of good sleep, lack of activity, lack of minerals, lack of Essential Fatty Acids, pH imbalance, poor digestion.  Emotional Behaviors: Oppressed, resentful, and self-condemned.  Emotional Root: Anger.  Spiritual Roots: Lack of self-esteem,insecurity, great need to be loved.

SKIN ISSUES: Physical Roots: Drugs, elimination, toxicity, environmental, heavy metals, injury, junk food, lack of  antioxidants, lack of good food, lack of good water, lack of minerals, lack of Essential Fatty Acids, lack of sweaty activities, pH imbalance, poor breathing, yeast, infection, allergy.  Emotional Behaviors: Edgy,stressed, tense.  Emotional Root: Fear.  Spiritual Roots: Anxiety, fear, andself-rejection.

DEPRESSION: Physical Roots: Drugs, toxicity, elimination, environmental, glandular, nervous system, lack of sun, nutrient deficiencies, junk food,  poor breathing, pain, lack of good water, lack of good sleep, lack of good food, lack of EFA’s, lack of activity, poor digestion. Emotional Behaviors: Doubt,self-pity, negative. Emotional Root: Anger.  Spiritual Roots: Inner conflict and suppressed anger.

CHOLESTEROL:  Physical Roots:  pH balance, drugs, heavy metals, toxicity, elimination, poor digestion, liver/gall bladder/spleen, table salt, lack of minerals, lack of good water, lack of Essential Fatty Acids, lack of activity, lack of good food, poor breathing, poor circulation.  Emotional Behaviors: Withholding, inadequate, insignificancy.  Emotional Root:  Sorrow.  Spiritual Roots: Much anger atone’s self, self deprecation, constant putting down one’s self.

PANCREAS: Physical Roots: Toxicity, alcohol abuse, liver, gall bladder, drugs, digestion, elimination, lack of good water, lack of EFA’s, pH balance, poor digestion, lack of enzymes, lack of minerals, nutrient deficiencies, anorexia.  Emotional Behaviors: Critical of self and others, discontented, lack of satisfaction.  Emotional Root: Loss of self-esteem.  Spiritual Roots: Self-condemnation and guilt.

HIGH BLOOD SUGAR:  Physical Roots: Drugs, elimination, toxicity, glandular, environmental, junk food, lack of good food, lack of good water, lack of activity, lack of good sleep.  Emotional Behaviors: Critical, discontented, and unsatisfied.  Emotional Root: Anger.  Spiritual Roots: Extreme rejection, self-hate, and guilt.  Rejection is usually from a father and sometimes a husband, or man in general.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Physical Roots: Table salt, heavy metals, toxicity, elimination, lack of good water, lack of good sleep, environmental, urinary, junk food, lack of good food, lack of B-vitamins, lack of Essential Fatty Acids, pH imbalance, poor breathing, poor circulation, poor digestion.  Emotional Behaviors: Callused, indifferent,hard-hearted.  Emotional Root: Anger.  Spiritual Roots: Fear,anxiety, and stress.

REDUCED MEMORY: Physical Roots: Drugs, lack of good water, lack of Essential Fatty Acids, pH balance, heavy metals, elimination, toxicity, junk food, lack of antioxidants, sugar imbalance, table salt, poor digestion, poor circulation, poor breathing, nervous system, lack of activity, lack of minerals, lack of good food.  Emotional Behaviors: Defiant, justified, and rebellious.  Emotional Root: Anger.  Spiritual Roots: Rage against others, judgmental, hypercritical.

ALLERGIES: Physical Roots: Drugs, toxins, yeast, parasites, elimination, liver, gall bladder, spleen, environmental, junk food, lack good food, lack good water, pH imbalance, lack of digestion.  Emotional Behaviors: Withholding, inadequate, insignificant.  Emotional Root: Sorrow.  Spiritual Roots: Fear, anxiety and stress.

HEADACHES: Physical Roots: Withdrawal from addictive substances, drugs, toxins, food additives, elimination, glandular, lymphatic, sugar imbalance, urinary, junk food, lack of good water, lack of good food, lack of activity, lack of digestion, lack of Essential Fatty Acids.  Emotional Behaviors: Critical, discontented, and unsatisfied.  Emotional Root: Anger.  Spiritual Roots: Fear, anxiety and stress.

HYPERACTIVITY: Physical Roots: Toxins, sugar, food additives, heavy metals, nervous system, parasites, digestion, junk food, lack of good water, lack of good food, lack of minerals, pH imbalance, lack of Essential Fatty Acids.  Emotional Behaviors: Dread, panic, terror.  Emotional Root: Fear.  Spiritual roots: Fear, anxiety, stress, and double-mindedness.

ASTHMA: Physical Roots: Nervous system, stress, perception, lack of minerals, drugs, toxins, elimination, glandular, lack of good water, lack of good food, poor circulation, lack of Essential Fatty Acids, lack of B vitamins, junk food.  Emotional Behaviors: Powerless, restrained, acts vulnerable.  Emotional Root: Anger.  Spiritual Roots: Fear and anxiety, especially concerning relationships and the fear of abandonment.

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